
4 Important Pointers for when to travel to USA from India

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Traveling to the United States of America is nothing short of a bucket-list item. With its vast landscapes, unimaginable natural beauty and gamut of celebrities and must-see destinations. Travelling to USA is an adventure of a lifetime.

For this reason and many more, you need to be very well prepared about the same. Whether you are travelling alone or with family and friends, here is you guide to the trip of a lifetime.

  1. Bookings

Before you go for the dreaded USA Visa interview, you need to make sure you have all your bookings in place. Getting an extended US Visa is a huge deal. Hence you should be completely prepared. Make sure you make all your bookings and have the required paperwork for the same. This would include all your flight tickets from India to the United States and back. Also make sure your stay is covered as this is one thing they can ask in your interview.

  1. Get insured

Being a highly consuming travel destination, getting an overseas travel insurance is mandatory. This is better than applying for a single medication insurance too. A travel insurance is a must for most travel ventures. However, a travel insurance for USA from India is highly beneficial. They will cover your flight cancellation costs, baggage loss compensation etc.

  1. Plan an itinerary

This is crucial. Since USA is a huge country, finding out time or each and every destination can be hard. For this reason, one needs to be organised. Now we do not mean planning everything to the last minute, but having a general plan as to when you will be where is important. Dedicate the amount of days you want to spend in a particular city.

  1. Carry printouts

You do not want to be carrying all your important documentation around all the time. For this reason, all your air tickets, hotel bookings, passport copies etc should be in the form of a printout. This will give you easy access as when needed. It will also keep you from losing your original documents.

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